Photography allows me to let go,trust and shoot without the need to see reason or predict or control an outcome.It is the freeing of my minds imagnation.
The view of life's details have always captured my attention,whether it be a splash from a stomped rain puddle as the reflection reappears,the beauty of a mother face as she embraces her child,or a butterfly dancing above a sweet flower.All of these wonderful mostly overlooked details are drawn to my sight almost continuously.My mind does not allow me to focus on one thing for very long.So I decided to add a camera to the equation and at first shot,my passion was manifested for me.Having the ability to see and experience all of these wonderful details of life and the ability to view it again after a day of shooting,is like me getting to live life twice a day everyday.
My wish is for you the viewer to see what you wish and to feel a presence of personality in every photo.